The 23 Top Traveling Jobs That Pay Well (2024)

Ever dreamed of working while exploring new places? You’re not alone. Nowadays, many are searching for jobs that either involve travel or allow them to work from any corner of the world. With the shift in the job market, working remotely and living a travel-filled life is becoming more common. In this article, we’ll explore 23 top traveling jobs that pay well and let you see the world.

Benefits of Traveling Jobs

Traveling jobs are more than just an opportunity to earn while exploring new places. They offer a blend of experiences that can shape your personal and professional journey in ways you might not have imagined.

Consider the following benefits:

  • Personal Growth and Cultural Exposure: Traveling jobs offer a unique window into different cultures and ways of life. This isn’t just about tasting new cuisines or hearing new languages; it’s about understanding diverse perspectives and growing as an individual. With each new place, you learn to adapt, overcome challenges, and gain insights that stay with you long after the journey.
  • Opportunity for Adventure and Exploration: Forget the monotony of a 9-to-5 desk job. Whether you’re witnessing a breathtaking sunrise on a remote beach or navigating the bustling streets of a vibrant city, these jobs ensure life is packed with exciting stories and memories.
  • Networking and Career Advancement: Traveling jobs often bring you in contact with a varied group of people, from local experts to international professionals. These interactions can foster valuable professional relationships, leading to collaborations, partnerships, or even new job opportunities. Simply put, the world becomes your networking platform.
  • Financial Rewards and Special Compensation: Some traveling jobs come with added financial perks. Beyond the regular paycheck, there can be allowances for accommodation, daily expenses, and even bonuses for overseas assignments. These benefits not only offset travel costs but can lead to a more comfortable and lucrative professional life.

Our Criteria for the Best Paying Traveling Jobs

Before we delve into our handpicked list of traveling jobs that pay well, it’s essential to understand the criteria that influenced our selections.

  • Average Salary: Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), we’ve centered our selections around professions that consistently offer salaries above the annual mean wage ($61,900).
  • Skills Required: The demand for specific skills can influence the pay scale. We’ve highlighted roles where the skills required can command better compensation and where training can lead to increased earning potential.

With that groundwork laid, let’s explore the traveling jobs that can make your dream lifestyle a reality.

The Top Jobs That Let You Travel

1. Traveling Physician

For those passionate about health care and driven by wanderlust, being a Traveling Physician strikes the right balance. These doctors journey from one location to another, often serving in regions where medical care is scarce or specialized.

  • Primary Duties: Providing patient consultations, diagnosing and treating illnesses, offering preventive care advice, collaborating with local health teams, sometimes training medical staff, and ensuring proper medical documentation for every patient attended.
  • Skills Required: Comprehensive medical expertise, adaptability to various healthcare settings, exceptional interpersonal skills to interact with patients from different backgrounds, cultural sensitivity, and a knack for quick decision-making in diverse environments.
  • Average Salary: The annual median salary of Travelling Physicians is around $229,300 per year, according to the BLS. However, variations can arise based on experience, the regions they serve, and the terms of their assignments.

2. Commercial Pilot

If flying high and visiting new destinations sounds like a dream, then a career as a Commercial Pilot might be the right fit. Commercial Pilots have the unique job of flying people and goods all over the world.

  • Primary Duties: Operating the aircraft safely from takeoff to landing, planning flight routes, communicating with air traffic control, checking weather conditions, and ensuring the overall safety of passengers and crew.
  • Skills Required: Strong flying skills, clear communication, ability to handle unexpected situations calmly, understanding of aircraft systems, and good teamwork to coordinate with the cabin crew and ground staff.
  • Average Salary: Commercial Pilots can expect a median annual wage of around $148,900, but this can increase with experience, the size of the aircraft, and the routes flown.

3. Construction Managers

Construction Managers are the backbone of any building project. They’re the ones making sure everything comes together just right, from the foundation to the finishing touches. Traveling from one site to another, they ensure projects stay on track, within budget, and up to code.

  • Primary Duties: Overseeing construction projects from start to finish, coordinating with architects and engineers, managing budgets, ensuring safety regulations are met, and liaising with clients to provide updates.
  • Skills Required: Strong organizational and planning abilities, understanding of construction processes, good communication and negotiation skills, and knowledge of safety standards and regulations.
  • Average Salary: Construction Managers can expect to earn an annual median salary of $101,480. Benefits like travel allowances or bonuses might also be included, especially if the job involves managing multiple sites in different locations.

4. Physical Therapist

For those keen on healing and rehabilitation but also itching for varied experiences, becoming a traveling physical therapist could be the answer. These therapists work in different locations, from urban clinics to remote areas, offering specialized care to patients.

  • Primary Duties: Assessing patient conditions and needs, designing personalized therapy plans, guiding patients through exercises and treatments, monitoring progress and adjusting treatments as necessary.
  • Skills Required: Proficient knowledge of therapeutic techniques and treatments, strong interpersonal skills to build trust with patients, adaptability to varied work environments, keen observational skills to track patient progress, and effective communication to instruct and motivate patients.
  • Average Salary: Physical Therapists earn an annual average salary of around $97,720. Factors such as location, specialization, and contract specifics can influence this range, with some roles offering additional benefits like housing allowances or sign-on bonuses.

5. Truck Driver

Truck driving isn’t just a job; it’s an adventure on wheels. As a truck driver, you hit the road, transporting items from A to B, discovering new places along the way.

  • Primary Duties: Safely transporting goods from one location to another, maintaining a clean and functional vehicle, planning the best routes for timely deliveries, and keeping accurate records of cargo and delivery timings.
  • Skills Required: Good driving skills, understanding of road safety, ability to manage long hours on the road, knowledge of basic truck maintenance, and effective time management to meet delivery deadlines.
  • Average Salary: Truck drivers can typically earn an average salary of $97,198 a year. However, long-haul drivers who cover more distance or transport specialized cargo can earn more. Many companies also offer bonuses for safe driving and timely deliveries.

6. Model

Being a model means more than just looking good in pictures. It’s a job that can take you all around the world!

  • Primary Duties: Posing for photoshoots, walking runways, promoting brands and products, attending fittings and rehearsals, and collaborating with photographers, designers, and stylists.
  • Skills Required: Good physical fitness and grooming, understanding of fashion trends, ability to take direction well, adaptability to different environments and aesthetics, and strong interpersonal skills for networking and collaboration.
  • Average Salary: Models’ earnings can vary wildly. However, they earn an average annual salary of around $91,173. Factors such as the type of modeling (runway, print, commercial), the prestige of the brand or publication, and individual reputation in the industry influence their earning potential.

7. Cruise Director

For those who love the idea of life at sea combined with hosting and entertainment, the role of a cruise director is an appealing choice. These individuals are the heartbeat of the ship’s entertainment world, ensuring guests have an unforgettable experience on board.

  • Primary Duties: Overseeing all entertainment and activities on the ship, coordinating with various departments to schedule events, hosting shows and events, and addressing and resolving guest concerns.
  • Skills Required: Strong organizational and planning abilities, excellent public speaking and hosting skills, adaptability to cater to a diverse clientele, interpersonal skills to manage and collaborate with teams, and a problem-solving attitude to address any onboard challenges.
  • Average Salary: Cruise directors can typically earn an average salary of $88,119 annually. This range can vary based on the cruise line, ship size, and overall experience. Many cruise directors also enjoy benefits like free accommodations and meals, and the chance to travel to exotic locations as part of their work.

8. Travel Nurse

For nurses with a sense of adventure and a desire to make a difference in various communities, becoming a Travel Nurse is an exciting option. These nurses move from one hospital or clinic to another, often filling in where there’s a high demand.

  • ications, monitoring patient health, collaborating with doctors and other medical staff, and adjusting to the protocols of different medical facilities.
  • Skills Required: Solid nursing skills, adaptability to different healthcare systems and practices, excellent communication, cultural awareness, and ability to work independently or with new teams frequently.
  • Average Salary: Travel Nurses can expect an annual median salary of $81,220, with variations depending on the location and specialty.

9. Actor

As an actor you get to play different roles and travel to many places across the world to shoot scenes.

  • Primary Duties: Memorizing and delivering scripts, understanding character motivations, attending rehearsals and readings, collaborating with directors and fellow actors, and promoting films or shows during press events.
  • Skills Required: Strong emotional and expressive abilities, adaptability to portray various characters, keen listening skills for reacting in scenes, dedication to craft and continuous learning, and the ability to handle both praise and criticism.
  • Average Salary: The earning potential for actors can be highly variable. While the median annual wage might hover around $67,575, many actors, especially those starting, earn less. However, top Hollywood stars can rake in millions per movie or episode.

10. Singer/Musician

Becoming a Singer or Musician isn’t just about hitting the right notes; it’s a journey filled with songs and tours. Singers and musicians often travel to different cities, or even countries, performing for fans and experiencing new cultures.

  • Primary Duties: Creating and practicing music, performing in front of audiences, recording in studios, collaborating with other musicians or producers, and promoting music through interviews or events.
  • Skills Required: Strong vocal or instrumental skills, understanding of music theory, ability to work with others, dedication to practice, and connecting emotionally with audiences.
  • Average Salary: The earnings for singers and musicians vary. According to the BLS, singers and musicians earn a median hourly wage of $39.14. However, successful artists can earn much more, especially with hit songs, tours, or merchandise sales.

11. English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher

If you love the idea of teaching and traveling, being an ESL teacher might be perfect. This job lets you travel to different parts of the world and help people there learn English.

  • Primary Duties: Planning and delivering lessons, assessing student progress, adapting teaching methods for different learners, and promoting language practice outside of class.
  • Skills Required: Strong command of English, understanding of teaching methods, patience, adaptability to different learning styles, and good communication.
  • Average Salary: An ESL teacher’s earnings can range from $31,247 to $94,226 per year, depending on the country and institution they work for. In some places with high demand, like parts of Asia or the Middle East, salaries can be higher, and benefits like housing or flight reimbursem*nts might be included.

12. Field Engineer

Being a Field Engineer means you get to mix technical work with travel. This job takes you to different sites where you fix problems or set up systems.

  • Primary Duties: Visiting various sites to install or repair equipment, diagnosing technical issues, working with teams to complete projects, maintaining records of work done, and ensuring safety standards are met on-site.
  • Skills Required: Solid technical and problem-solving skills, understanding of the equipment being handled, ability to work in different environments, good communication to liaise with clients and teams, and a keen eye for detail.
  • Average Salary: The annual median salary for Field Engineers is around $67,763. However, those with specialized expertise or who work in high-demand industries might earn more. Travel allowances and other benefits are often included, especially if the job requires frequent relocations or long stays away from home.

13. Marine Biologists

Marine Biologists dive deep into the world of water, studying the mysteries of ocean life. It’s not just about looking at fish in a lab; it’s about exploring the vast oceans, traveling to different shores, and sometimes even venturing into the deep blue unknown.

  • Primary Duties: Researching marine organisms, collecting samples from various water bodies, analyzing marine ecosystems, conducting experiments, and publishing findings to contribute to scientific knowledge.
  • Skills Required: Understanding of marine life and ecosystems, diving skills (in many cases), analytical abilities for conducting research, and effective communication skills for sharing findings and collaborating with peers.
  • Average Salary: Marine Biologists earn an annual average salary of $54,759. However, those with specialized expertise or working on significant projects might earn more. Funding, research grants, and fieldwork opportunities can also influence their income.

14. Geoscientists

Geoscientists are like the Earth’s detectives. They dig into the ground, travel to different terrains, and uncover clues about our planet’s past and present. Whether it’s studying rocks, analyzing soil samples, or predicting natural disasters, they’re always on the move, finding answers and making new discoveries.

  • Primary Duties: Investigating the Earth’s composition, studying natural processes, collecting and analyzing rock or soil samples, and using equipment to detect natural resources.
  • Skills Required: Good observation skills, understanding of earth processes, ability to use scientific equipment, and analytical thinking for data interpretation.
  • Average Salary: Geoscientists can expect to earn an average of $87,480 a year. Those working in oil and gas extraction might see higher salaries.

15. Environmental Scientists

Environmental Scientists study the environment and find ways to protect it. From testing air quality in busy cities to tracking pollution in rivers, their work takes them to various places.

  • Primary Duties: Conducting research on environmental issues, collecting samples of air, water, and soil for testing, analyzing data to understand environmental challenges, and proposing solutions to mitigate environmental problems.
  • Skills Required: Strong research skills, knowledge of ecological systems, ability to use scientific equipment, analytical thinking to understand and interpret data, and effective communication to share findings and recommendations.
  • Average Salary: Environmental Scientists earn an average annual salary of $76,480.

16. Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives

Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives are the bridge between drug manufacturers and healthcare professionals. They travel from one healthcare center to another, introducing new medicines and explaining their benefits.

  • Primary Duties: Promoting and selling pharmaceutical products to doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals, understanding and conveying complex scientific information, providing product samples, and keeping track of sales targets.
  • Skills Required: Strong communication and persuasion skills, understanding of the pharmaceutical products being sold, and good organizational abilities to manage schedules and client databases.
  • Average Salary: Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives can expect to earn $78,288 annually. However, commissions and bonuses based on sales performance can push earnings even higher.

17. Journalists

Journalists chase stories, interview people, and travel to places where events unfold. Whether it’s covering a local festival, a political rally, or an international incident, they’re always on the go, bringing news to people’s doorsteps.

  • Primary Duties: Researching stories, interviewing sources, writing articles or creating media content, ensuring accuracy in reporting, and meeting tight deadlines.
  • Skills Required: Strong writing and communication skills, an inquisitive mind, the ability to think critically and verify information, and adaptability to work in various conditions.
  • Average Salary: The annual median wage for Journalists is around $55,960, depending on their experience, location, the size of the media outlet, and their specialization.

18. Cybersecurity Specialists

Cybersecurity Specialists keep computer systems safe, tackling threats and ensuring data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. While much of their work is done behind screens, they often travel to various organizations, helping Cybersecurity Specialists fortify their digital walls.

  • Primary Duties: Monitoring systems for security breaches, investigating violations when they occur, installing and using software to protect sensitive information, and conducting penetration testing to find vulnerabilities.
  • Skills Required: Deep understanding of IT and security protocols, problem-solving skills, keen attention to detail, and staying updated with the latest cybersecurity threats and prevention measures.
  • Average Salary: Cybersecurity Specialists can typically expect to earn between $81,000 to $138,000 annually. Those with advanced certifications or working in high-stakes industries, like finance or defense, might see higher salaries.

19. Photographers / Videographers

Photographers and Videographers capture moments, telling stories one frame at a time. With every assignment, they’re exploring a new place, meeting new faces, and weaving stories through visuals. If you’ve ever wondered how these professionals turn their passion into profit, learn more about making money as a photographer.

  • Primary Duties: Taking photos or shooting videos, editing and enhancing images or footage, collaborating with clients to understand their vision, and managing equipment.
  • Skills Required: A keen eye for detail, understanding of camera techniques, proficiency in editing software, good communication, and creativity to bring a unique perspective to each shot.
  • Average Salary: Photographers and Videographers can earn between$41,000 to $69,000 annually, depending on their expertise, type of assignments, and clientele. Those working with renowned publications, media houses, or specialized industries like weddings or fashion might earn more.

20. Event Planners

Event Planners bring dreams to life. They travel from venues to suppliers, piecing together the perfect setting for celebrations, conferences, and gatherings. Whether it’s a grand wedding, a corporate seminar, or a cozy birthday bash, they handle every detail, ensuring everything goes off without a hitch.

  • Primary Duties: Meeting with clients, selecting and booking venues, coordinating with vendors, managing budgets, ensuring timely setups, and overseeing events to make sure they run smoothly.
  • Skills Required: Strong organizational skills, an eye for detail, good communication and negotiation abilities, and the capacity to handle stress.
  • Average Salary: The annual median wage for Event Planners is around $52,260. Those specializing in high-end events, corporate functions, or destination weddings might see higher earnings.

Traveling Jobs That Pay Well With No Experience

Travel and work need not be mutually exclusive. There are roles that allow individuals to explore new horizons while earning a steady income, even without prior experience. This section introduces jobs that combine the thrill of travel with the promise of a decent paycheck, making them ideal for those with wanderlust and a desire to start afresh.

21. International House Sitter / Traveling Housekeeper

Stepping into new places and experiencing the comfort of a home while ensuring it remains in perfect condition—that’s the life of an International House Sitter or Traveling Housekeeper. This job doesn’t just pay; it often provides free accommodation in beautiful locales from sprawling villas in Italy to cozy apartments in Tokyo.

  • Primary Duties: Taking care of a home while the owner is away, which may include tasks like feeding pets, watering plants, general cleaning, collecting mail, and ensuring overall security.
  • Skills Required: Trustworthiness, good organizational skills, adaptability to varying home environments, basic knowledge of household tasks, and the ability to handle unexpected situations, like a plumbing issue or a sudden power outage.
  • Average Salary: While the exact pay can vary, many international house sitters or traveling housekeepers may earn between$18,000 to $43,000 annually. A significant perk is often free accommodation in the houses they look after, which can lead to considerable savings on living expenses.

22. Au Pair

For those who love children and are keen to explore a new culture, becoming an Au Pair offers a unique blend of work and travel. Au Pairs live with host families, often in different countries, and help with childcare and light household tasks.

  • Primary Duties: Assisting with childcare, which can include tasks like helping with homework, driving kids to activities, preparing meals, and playing or doing fun activities. Light household chores might also be part of the role.
  • Skills Required: Genuine affection for children, patience, adaptability to different family dynamics, basic childcare skills, and the ability to handle unforeseen situations calmly.
  • Average Salary: An Au Pair’s salary can vary based on the host country and family, but typically ranges between $40,000 to $61,000 annually. In addition to the pay, Au Pairs often receive free room and board.

23. Translator or Interpreter

Translators and interpreters bridge communication gaps, turning language barriers into gateways of understanding. If you’re already fluent in another language, these roles are fantastic to leverage that skill, often with no additional experience needed. The nature of the job also provides the freedom to travel or work remotely.

  • Primary Duties: For translators, it’s converting written text from one language to another while maintaining the original meaning. Interpreters, on the other hand, focus on translating spoken words in real-time during events, meetings, or conversations.
  • Skills Required: Proficiency in at least two languages, strong listening skills, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to convey concepts and tone accurately between languages.
  • Average Salary: Interpreters and Translators earn an annual median wage of $61,730. Those with proficiency in less common languages or specialized fields (like medical or legal interpretation) might earn more.

The Nomadic Freelancer

What Is a Digital Nomad?

A digital nomad is someone who utilizes technology to work remotely, freeing them from the constraints of a fixed location. They often blend the boundaries between work and travel, turning cafes into offices and beaches into boardrooms.

The Rise of the Remote Freelancer

Thanks to the internet, the way we perceive ‘work’ has undergone a transformation. Many jobs these days don’t tie you down to a physical location, making it possible to live a life that seemed like a far-fetched idea not too long ago.

Here are some positions that are thriving in this new landscape:

  • Writers: From bloggers to novelists, writers can pen their thoughts from anywhere, needing just their creativity and a laptop.
  • Photographers: Traveling to capture moments, photographers can then sell or showcase their work online, reaching global audiences.
  • Travel Bloggers/Vloggers: They turn their journeys into content, sharing experiences and tips with their followers.
  • Social Media Assistants: Managing online profiles, scheduling posts, or engaging with followers, all from a beach in Bali or a bistro in Paris.
  • Graphic Designers: Crafting designs for clients worldwide, their studio is wherever they choose it to be.

Considering a shift towards this lifestyle? Discover how to find remote jobs with these 16 tips from a recruiter.

Why Choose the Nomadic Lifestyle?

Being a digital nomad isn’t just about the freedom to choose your workplace. It offers unparalleled flexibility—no more 9-to-5, just work when and where you’re most productive. Plus, the potential for earnings is significant. By tapping into global markets, freelancers can optimize their rates based on the demand and their expertise.

Moreover, by living in places with a lower cost of living but earning at international rates, many nomads manage to save more than they would in traditional roles.

However, the most captivating benefit is the enrichment of the soul. You get to learn about different ways of life, try tasty foods, and make friends from all over. Many people dream of this kind of life, but only a few actually do it. If you’re pondering about the possibilities of remote work, here’s a guide on the best jobs that can be done remotely to get you started.

Challenges of Traveling for Work

While traveling for work promises adventure and novel experiences, it also brings unique challenges that aren’t often discussed amidst the glamorous tales of jet-setting professionals:

Work-Life Balance and Family Considerations

Traveling frequently can mean missing out on important moments at home, from birthdays to school events. It can also strain relationships, as partners or family members adjust to one’s sporadic presence.

Health and Safety Concerns

Different places can mean new health challenges. Maybe the local street food doesn’t agree with your stomach, or there’s a bug going around that you’re not immune to. Additionally, every city or country has its own safety rules. In some places, it might not be safe to wander around late at night or visit certain areas, so you’ll always be on your toes, learning and adapting.

Obtaining the Correct Insurance and Licensing

Think of it like this: every time you set up shop in a new location, there’s a set of papers waiting for you. Maybe it’s a work visa, a local permit, or just the right insurance coverage. For example, nomad insurance isn’t just a fancy term; it’s a type of coverage made for people who move from place to place, ensuring they’re taken care of health-wise wherever they go.

Loneliness and Isolation

You might struggle to make deep connections if you’re always on the move. Plus, there’s the challenge of language barriers or just understanding local customs and jokes.

Travel-Related Stress and Time Zone Differences

Picture this: you’ve just finished a long day of work and meetings, but instead of heading home to relax, you’re rushing to catch a red-eye flight. This juggling act between time zones, coupled with the general chaos of travel – delays, jet lag, or even just finding a good place to eat – can be pretty tiring.

While the challenges of travel can be daunting, many professionals and freelancers find the experience rewarding. If you’re considering a more flexible work lifestyle, understanding both its advantages and disadvantages is crucial. Dive deeper into the world of flexible careers and see if freelancing is worth it. By being aware, you can find ways to tackle challenges head-on and make the most of your travel experiences.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts


As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information on various topics, including traveling jobs. I can provide you with insights and information based on my knowledge and the search results I have analyzed. Let's explore the concepts mentioned in this article.

Benefits of Traveling Jobs

Traveling jobs offer numerous benefits beyond just earning a living. They provide opportunities for personal growth, cultural exposure, and adventure. Here are some key benefits mentioned in the article:

Personal Growth and Cultural Exposure: Traveling jobs allow individuals to experience different cultures, adapt to new environments, overcome challenges, and gain insights that contribute to personal growth [[1]].

Opportunity for Adventure and Exploration: Unlike traditional desk jobs, traveling jobs offer the excitement of exploring new places, witnessing breathtaking sights, and creating memorable experiences [[1]].

Networking and Career Advancement: Traveling jobs often involve interacting with diverse groups of people, including local experts and international professionals. These interactions can lead to valuable professional relationships, collaborations, and new job opportunities [[1]].

Financial Rewards and Special Compensation: Some traveling jobs come with added financial perks, such as allowances for accommodation, daily expenses, and bonuses for overseas assignments. These benefits can make the professional life more comfortable and lucrative [[1]].

Criteria for the Best Paying Traveling Jobs

The article mentions specific criteria that influenced the selection of the best paying traveling jobs. These criteria include:

Average Salary: The selection of traveling jobs that pay well is based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and focuses on professions that consistently offer salaries above the annual mean wage ($61,900) [[1]].

Skills Required: The demand for specific skills can influence the pay scale of traveling jobs. The article highlights roles where the required skills can command better compensation and where training can lead to increased earning potential [[1]].

Top Traveling Jobs That Pay Well

The article provides a list of 23 top traveling jobs that pay well. Here are some examples:

  1. Traveling Physician: Traveling physicians provide medical care in regions where healthcare is scarce or specialized. They diagnose and treat illnesses, offer preventive care advice, collaborate with local health teams, and ensure proper medical documentation [[1]].

  2. Commercial Pilot: Commercial pilots fly people and goods all over the world. They operate aircraft, plan flight routes, communicate with air traffic control, and ensure the safety of passengers and crew [[1]].

  3. Construction Manager: Construction managers oversee construction projects from start to finish. They coordinate with architects and engineers, manage budgets, ensure safety regulations are met, and liaise with clients [[1]].

  4. Physical Therapist: Traveling physical therapists offer specialized care to patients in different locations. They assess patient conditions, design therapy plans, guide patients through exercises and treatments, and monitor progress [[1]].

  5. Truck Driver: Truck drivers transport goods from one location to another. They ensure the safe delivery of cargo, plan routes, and maintain records of deliveries [[1]].

These are just a few examples from the list provided in the article. Each job has its own set of duties, required skills, and average salary range.

Nomadic Freelancers and Remote Work

The article also mentions the rise of digital nomads and the opportunities for remote work. It highlights various professions that can be done remotely, such as writers, photographers, travel bloggers/vloggers, social media assistants, graphic designers, and more [[1]].

The nomadic freelancer lifestyle offers flexibility, the potential for higher earnings, and the opportunity to explore different locations. However, it also comes with challenges, including work-life balance, health and safety concerns, obtaining the correct insurance and licensing, loneliness and isolation, and travel-related stress [[1]].


Traveling jobs provide unique opportunities for personal and professional growth, adventure, and cultural exposure. The criteria for selecting the best paying traveling jobs include average salary and required skills. Additionally, the rise of remote work has opened up possibilities for nomadic freelancers to work from anywhere in the world. While this lifestyle offers flexibility and potential earnings, it also comes with its own challenges.

The 23 Top Traveling Jobs That Pay Well (2024)


What is the highest paid traveling job? ›

High Paying Travel Jobs
  • Boat Pilot. Salary range: $100,000-$230,000 per year. ...
  • Thermodynamics Engineer. Salary range: $117,000-$225,500 per year. ...
  • Ship Pilot. Salary range: $173,500-$209,500 per year. ...
  • Chief Pilot. Salary range: $122,000-$207,000 per year. ...
  • First Officer. ...
  • Port Engineer. ...
  • Aeronautical Engineer. ...
  • Signal Integrity Engineer.

What is 20 travel for a job? ›

Also, 20% travel could mean overnight travel once a week or a full week out of town every 5 weeks or a full month out of town every 5 months. So it's important to ask for specific examples of what the travel will look like if you are agreeing up front to travel requirements for the role.

What is a 50% travel job? ›

So if you are 50% two of those work weeks would be traveling. Now during those travel weeks you may/may not spend every night in a hotel, but anticipate to leave Monday and return Friday. Therefore when the inevitable only one night trip happens the other 3 nights of that “travel week” are a bonus at home.

Can you make 6 figures as a travel agent? ›

Achieving a six-figure income as an independent travel agent is a realistic goal with the right strategies, dedication, and focus on providing unparalleled value to your clients.

How to make money whilst travelling? ›

How to make money while traveling:
  1. Freelancing online. Fancy adopting a 'digital nomad' lifestyle? ...
  2. Language tuition. ...
  3. Teach other people your skills. ...
  4. Make things to sell. ...
  5. Offer your services at hostels. ...
  6. Sell your photos. ...
  7. Street performances. ...
  8. Seasonal work.

What does 75% travel mean in a job? ›

That means you would spend 75% of your time going to different locations meeting with clients and 25% of your time working from an office. Many fields involve some travel, including: Tourism and hospitality. Health care. Transportation.

What is 30 travel for a job? ›

30% of business days, like 3 days every 2 weeks.

What is 25 of travel? ›

🚗 25% Travel: Often interpreted as one week per month on the road. It could also mean a few days a month/quarter.

How much does a professional traveler make? ›

How much does a Corporate Traveler make in California? As of May 16, 2024, the average annual pay for a Corporate Traveler in California is $76,590 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $36.82 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,472/week or $6,382/month.

What is the highest salary for a travel nurse? ›

ZipRecruiter found that operating room travel nurses earn an average annual income of $181,460 annually or $87/hr. The highest earners make as much as $286,000.


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.