Mexican Dental Nightmare! (2024)

Mexican Dental Nightmare!



Sani Dental Group

January 16, 2007 will forever be burned in our brain as one of the worst days of our lives! We will never forget our nightmare at the hands of "SANI DENTAL GROUP"

People are flocking over the Mexican Border towns by the 1000's in search of dental work priced at a fraction of their North American counterparts. Crowns for $125 compared to $1200-$1500 can be extremely enticing. This story may have you think twice.

We visited the offices of Sani Dental Group on the morning of January 16, 2007. We were accompanied by my cousin who has visited Sani mani times over the past few years. She recently had all her front teeth crowned and they looked pretty good! When we arrived at the Sani office we were all surprised to see a major renovations taking place. What used to be a one man show was undergoing a rapid expansion program given the exploding dental industry inLos Algondones, Mexico. Red flags should have gone up when we walked in the front door. The offices did not resemble any dentist's office I had ever visited in Canada. The place looked a little dingy and tired. His equipment looked like something you would expect from a Mexican Dental Clinic, old and antiquated. Leslie & I met with Dr. Jimenez and after a brief examination, he informed her that she needed 4 crowns that could be completed at his office the same day. He showed us his credentials, that of a dental surgeon, educated in the U.S. My cousin and I left Leslie at the office and were asked to return about noon when all the prep work was to be completed. That was our first mistake! Dr. Jimenez said he would have the crowns manufactured in his lab a few blocks away and ready for placement by 5 pm. We returned at noon to find Leslie's face looking like a boxer that had just gone 12 rounds. She had a concerned look on her face and I asked her what was wrong. She said Dr. Jimenez did not do the work and the "so called dentist" looked like a Wal-Mart tire mechanic, complete with blue coveralls and a baseball cap on backwards. I began to share her concern and then the nightmare began. We returned to the clinic shortly before 5 pm and there was nobody at the clinic. Dr. Jimenez and the rest of his staff had gone home and the only ones left were the dentist, his assistant, my cousin, Leslie and myself. I got my first glimpse of the "Wal-Mart Mechanic and I couldn't believe my eyes. The dentist could not speak a word of English even though 99% of their patients were English speaking Americans or Canadians. I got a sick feeling in my stomach and could only imagine how Leslie was feeling. We waited until 7 pm an finally the crowns had arrived, 2 hours late but there non the less. The dentist began placing the crowns and immediately Leslie voice her concern that they did not fit. The dentist continued to place the remaining crowns and claimed they were perfect. Leslie continued to argue that the crowns did not fit and in fact, she could get her tongue underneath the margin on 3 of the 4 crowns he had placed. He removed the crowns and began grinding them with a hand grinder, than tried placing them again. Leslie was still insistant that the crowns were not right and she even questioned if these were her crowns. The communication gap did not help the matter either. He continued to work on the crowns for another hour but we could see we were getting no where and had a BIG problem on our hands. She asked the dentist if they do not test the crowns for proper fit with the blue paper all dentists use anywhere else in the world. He didn't seem to know or understand what she was talking about. Finally his assistant grasped what we were asking and came back with a sheet of the blue bite paper. After a few taps, up and down, side to side, he said they were perfect and he was done! We the clinic tired and extremely concerned. Leslie insisted that these were not her crowns and just before reaching the border crossing, we spotted the dentist and told him we were not happy and the crowns did not fit! He ushered us back to the clinic and sat Leslie back in the chair. He grabbed a tool from his box that looked like a "nail puller", something I am very familiar with being in the construction business. Before we could say a word, he had this device in Leslie's mouth and began reefing on one of her crowns with the tool, practically pulling her out of the chair. As I ran to her defence, the crown came off and her mouth began bleeding profusely. He got out his trusty hand grinder and began to work on the crown. I looked at Leslie and my cousin and said "let's get out of here!" He re-installed the crown and we left the office without delay, dashing for the border as fast as we could. By this time, the freezing in Leslie's mouth was beginning to dissipate and she began feeling excruciating pain. What have we done??

We dropped my cousin off at her home and started making our way back to Phoenix. The drive home was painfully quiet for a number of reasons. Both of us new we had made a huge mistake but it was too late for regrets. She was experiencing major pain by the time we left Yuma and it rapidly got worse. By the time we arrived home, she had taken at least 4 Tylenol 3's and they did nothing. She did not sleep a wink all night and first thing in the morning we contacted a local dentist in Phoenix. He asked her to come to their offices immediately and when we sat her down in the chair and asked her to open her mouth, the expression on his and his assistant's face said it all. He said it was the worst attempt at dental work he had ever seen and not of the crowns fit. He too believed that the crowns were not fitted for Leslie and whoever did the work could not have been a dentist. To ad more insult to injury, Leslie just had a $1200 crown installed a few months ago that had been damaged beyond repair by the Mexican dentist and it would have to also be removed. He informed us the crowns would have to be removed immediately and the site treated for any potential infection or worse. As he began removing the crowns, theporcelain was flying in every direction. He claimed in his 30 plus years of dentistry, he had never seen that happen before. He claimed that even if the crowns were properly fitted and installed, the porcelain would not have lasted more than a few years and Leslie would have been left with 4 silver or aluminum gangster teeth! The situation went from bad to worse. The dentist discovered some major infection setting in and suggested Leslie immediately get on a major dose of antibiotics and let things settle down for 2-3 months before attempting to replace the crowns. The whole experience left us numb and terribly concerned about the long term effects of this nightmare.

The next few weeks Leslie experienced constant pain. We were spending $100 on antibiotics and pain killers. Finally the pain was beginning to subside and she began sleeping through the night. She visited the dentists office on a weekly basis for the first few weeks so they could monitor her progress closely. He was confident that the temporary crowns could be removed after 3 months and the permanent crowns could be placed. He recommended she continue with the antibiotics for at least 4-6 months to insure all the infection was gone.

It is now December 2012, almost six years after this Horror Show and she is still paying a price for this monumental mistake. She has had root canals on 3 of the 4 teeth that Sani destroyed, one just a few months ago at a cost of $2000. This monumental disaster has cost us in access of $10,000 and years of pain and suffering.

If your thinking about getting a deal on dental work south of the U.S. Border, remember Leslie's experience!



1/22/2013 08:06:56 am

Looks like we are going to drop another $2000 plus on another Mexican tooth gone bad! The nightmare continues...


Glen & Leslie

12/8/2016 04:03:04 pm

More physical & financial pain as a result of Sani Dental and our "Mexican Dental Nightmare!" Leslie just had another tooth extracted after spending $1000's on endodontic work to deal with infections resulting from the original treatment and a new crown. Now,at the end of the day it was all for not and another few thousand flushed down the toilet. WHAT A NIGHTMARE!



12/8/2016 06:22:01 pm

I'm so sorry Leslie & Glenn! It's terrible and I totally relate. My husband and I just spent $1300 last week to fix my issues and more to come down stream like yourself. This is only a fraction of mess I was left with. My husband needs corrective work as well but we can't afford to fix this nightmare of a mess after giving Sani all our savings! I do hope you're feeling better, wishing you a speedy recovery!

8/1/2019 06:40:10 am

I started my message too early before this...sorry. Anyway, Sani Dental is only one in several bad surgeons and dentists. I am completely disfigured, deformed, disabled mortified and was violated. First, while your on the phone in your country is speaking to one of the "sellers(?)", The surgery n they speak of often and you researched and looked forward to meeting. Well, you will never ever have him as your surgeon. He is just a ploy to get you to Mexico. Mexicans think of Americans and Canadians as live money without a lick of anyways. Do you repeatedly as for that surgeon, but here comes this street looking, backward hat kid, jumping around all over, taken the place of the surgeon or whatever. Also, the price it n total you spoke of over the phone while in the states, goes to a house higher total. The bone grafts they print about and how good they do that surgery made me feel like I made a good choice! Wrong! I walked out on Can Cun Dental and Ocean Dental Specialist in Can Cun. Dr. Irma and Dr. Ortega do not know how to do bone grafts. This story is so much more. I have no bottom bone and entire gum. I have no teeth. The hospital was not an open hospital. My surgeon wasn't there. They put me under without telling and sent my husband and I back to our hotel in a cab. Needing to be monitored everyday be for ten full days, the dentist office that did this, completely ignored us. We left five days early that was already paid for, for I got nothing for pain...My digestive issues are getting serious because I cannot eat...AT ALL. This is "Dentics" in Can Cun with Dr. Sanchez, some Master and boss of hers, Martin, which is a Master Manipulator. Anyone that goes to Mexico should never go there. I saw a man with crooked implants ina mhis mouth look funny. I spoke with a women that had the wrong tooth pulled. I am messed up for life!


3/11/2020 11:13:29 am

I have a very bad experience by Sani dental even though I am under a warranty. I wish I never gone to do any crowns. My bite is not right. The bite is effecting me in a negative way. I dont feel i have my own normal teeth in my mouth. I have headaches constantly. Stabbing pain im my ears and the back of my head, and the list goes on and on.. I dont know if it's possible to get my money back. All they want me to do is come and honor the warranty. If I go now it'll be my fourth time, how many time the the person need to go back for them to do a good job and honor their clients???? It's disappointing 😔

Laurie Freeman

2/11/2021 02:34:52 pm

I'm so sorry to read all of these negative posts on Sani Dental. I had 8 remaining lower teeth removed there in 2012 and implants placed, I have had no problems, no infections.nothing and have had a very good success with it and and I am going back for the first reline. I know several here in AZ that have gone there also and have had No issues. Not all are the same.

8/1/2019 06:19:44 am

I sgree



4/14/2016 04:23:08 pm

Wow I wish I saw this review before going to Sani! What a nightmare I'm dealing with at the moment, my crowns are broken on the bottom, my upper implants are over sized and they want me to pay the balance! They have monkeys working in lab. I've had to go there 4 times and stay for about two months, this place should be shut down! I spoke with others that have to return due to improper work.



4/16/2016 08:44:07 am

Good Morning Stevanni,

So sorry to hear of your experience with Sani. Not sure who people should be more afraid of, the Drug Dealers or the Dentists!

Leslie continues to have complications from the work these clowns did on her almost 10 years ago. She had another infection that required surgery a couple of years ago, another $2000. Two crowns had to be removed and placed with dental implants at a cost of approximately $8000, bringing the total for repairs from this nightmare to well over $20,000 and likely more to come. The biggest fear is what she might of contracted from this filthy place?

Good luck with your nightmare.



6/28/2016 09:56:01 am

Hello sorry to hear your experience but I can assure you that not every dental clinic in loans Algodones is the same. I am the owner of Supreme dental clinic and even though we are no where as big as sani dental we do great work. We are certified thru the ADA American Dental Association which by that we accept over 80 U.S insurances!!! Stevanni you are more than welcome to come get a second opinion and see if the process you are going to is the correct one and Glen I'm a little late to help you just wish the best for your friend. Stevanni here is our website thanks



6/28/2016 12:38:16 pm

Thanks for the response. I am sure there are plenty of very good dentists in Mexico, unfortunately, Stevanni & Leslie picked the wrong one.


8/1/2019 06:41:30 am



Robert McLeod

8/10/2016 02:24:47 am

Very disappointed! Returned after 6 weeks to get my "healing dentures" realigned, they were unable to realign the dentures and sent me home without a bottom denture. For 9 weeks I have not been able to chew anything and have no idea when or if they will be able to finish the job!? Beware...



8/10/2016 06:53:55 am

Good Morning Robert,

I'm so sorry to hear about your problems. It is very disheartening to seem more and more people visit this terrible place and suffering the consequences. I hope your able to resolve your issue.



8/10/2016 11:36:55 am

I'm sorry to hear about your problems as well Robert. My nightmare still continues, I actually went back to see another dentist who swore he could help me, to no avail I'm sorry to say. People beware before you let them extract your teeth, it's horrible, for what I spent I could have had my work done here at home and done correctly. They operate like a fast food McDonalds pushing people in and out and take your money. Sadly there is no recourse $19,000 later with horrible results and more dental bills on top of that.



9/6/2016 12:45:13 am

Very sorry to hear about your experience with Sani dental.
But bashing them and trying to paint a picture that is exaggerated imbalanced and dishonest is not helpful to others that are thinking of going to mexico to get dental work done..,,,,I know several people that have have gone to sani dental and had work done . They are very pleased and satisfied with their results..,,,One of them had their local dentist inspect the work and he said it was done with excellence.

You do a disservice to others by posting this kind of one sided and emotionally charged crap.


8/6/2019 07:24:04 am

I disagree with you completely. If you had good dental work done in Mexico, then you were one of the lucky ones. You have the nerve to say that bashing dentists there is wrong. If that is all I can do, so be it. They know it's hard to get a lawsuit there for anyone can be a dentist. In face those papers of training and education they have is more than likely falsified. There may be a few that go there to get a root canal and are please, but can they still say this in a year's time. Major work should never be done in Mexico. I had no teeth in my mouth when I left and they handed them to me in a container. The top denture had a cut for a couple of teeth they left in my mouth, to show through, verses making me two partials. When I put these on I looked like I got these at a Halloween store. I say this, because it was around Halloween and people thought they were a joke! I'm being completely honest. After this horrible dental surgery, I've been unable to not eat nothing but liquids for 2 months. I have lost all my muscle mass I was so proud of. My face is literally hanging. I told the surgeon not to take out the two implants that were present and if so, replace it immediately with a better implant. He did not. So my bone on the bottom is completely gone and my jaw is half the size it was. They cut my whole gum off. I was considered pretty. I have half a face and my cheeks are gone. I went to the E.R. here in US afterwards 5 times, Fri. being the latest. I got a call the following morning. They did a look at the Cat Scan again and found a jaw fracture. It was due to the surgery in Mexico, with no doubt. We spent our savings of at least $35,000 plus traveling expenses. Did I mention that I never meant not saw the anthesiologis any given time if surgery. For all I know the guy in the office put the anthesia in for and during surgery. I'd send pictures if I could and they are graphic...really bad. I have nightmares from the procedure and not knowing what was done to me. Circle Dental talk is a bad place to go. This place is filthy and crowded. I'm sure they mix the patients up and that is scary. So call it bashing if you must. I call it a warning for I wouldn't wish this disfigurement and mental pain and financial loss, on nobody! Stay Home Aetna and Cigna have dentists that honor their discount and it's not insurance. There are other options. Please take this seriously....



8/6/2019 08:00:45 am

Hi Rhonda,

I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve been through, it’s very sad every time a new person comes here, it means more people have been maimed. I can completely relate to your situation, I too have lost my face structure from having my my teeth pulled and Sani making a set of teeth that were from a Halloween store! I now wear an upper denture and don’t look like the person I once looked like. All that money and to be left this way? My self esteem is gone’s devastating.


3/11/2020 11:35:36 am

Oh my God
So sorry to hear that

Norma J Martin

1/31/2022 04:59:41 pm

I feel so bad when I read these stories. I just had a bad experience at Chairez dental. But not as bad as yours. I dont know what to do after spending all I had driving from Michigan then buying them breakfast as they asked me to. They were so nice and I ate it right up. Spent my money for inferior dentures I cant wear....thank God for karma because nothing can be done. I'm living in my car til family gathers money to get me home. I'm sooo cold at night and almost 80.

Lane Freeman

2/11/2021 02:44:34 pm

We went to Los Algadones and are very pleased with the great job he did, going back for a lower replacement. And its been years since it was done. Thats Good.



11/13/2021 06:42:30 am

What is the name of your dentist there?


9/19/2022 09:57:49 am

This gentleman is allowed to post his horror stories. It happened to his wife . This is a review page!!!



9/6/2016 04:38:56 am


I assure you my comments are not exaggerated nor dishonest! I wouldn't waste my time here if I weren't speaking the truth. I've met several people during my stay, in which I'm still in contact with, they all have problems! (Six of them) not including two family members!

Emotionally charge crap?! Have your teeth ripped out of your mouth and be left with implants that were improperly made repeatedly, hitting other teeth that were crowned and now cracked! I'm now with a denture! Oh and btw my dentist was quite shocked when I saw him. Oh I can go with my "emotionally charged crap" we're not here to do a disservice, we're hoping people read this thread and stay far away from Sani before regreting it.


Norma J. Martin

1/31/2022 05:02:46 pm

Thank you and these people are heartless. Money isnt the only issue folks


Susan Liederson

9/19/2022 10:04:35 am

Thank you for you honest experience. It just saved me!!! 💜



9/7/2016 10:27:24 pm

Yeah, I hear you now.

It sounds like Sani Dental has some issues going on behind the scenes. They have a lot of dentists that work there. Do you know the name of the dentist who did the work on you ? And the name of the dentists that worked on your family ?
Its important that you out them so it doesn't ruin the reputation of the other reputable dentists that work there.

It sounds like they have many dentists with varying degrees of experience and ability. But like I said before , I know several people that have gone to Sani Dental and have had very positive results and experiences , And one has had that verified with their own family dentist back home.

But if you just make a broad blanket statement about the clinic , without giving names of the dentists that you had poor service with, then you aren't really helping to sway others. Because like me , they will just think you are bashing them.

You will be much more of a service to others if you out these dentists so that others can avoid them ... Sani is a big clinic and has some excellent dentists. So it doesn't help to say the whole clinic is corrupt.



9/11/2016 05:46:41 pm

I have no clue who did the dental work on me. My initial consult that day was with Enrique Jimenez, who I believe is the owner of Sani Dental. I was introduced to Jimenez through my cousin, who has had work done by him in the past and after the consult, I assumed he would be the dentist performing the work but much to my surprise, it was not him. I had no idea he had expanded his practise and now had a number of other dentists under his employ. The person who annihilated my teeth spoke absolutely no English and I never did get his name. He looked more like a auto mechanic than a dentist to me, with his ball cap on backwards and dressed in coveralls. I should have bolted out of the office then but made the mistake of trusting that I was in good hands. Not so!

Looks like I am going to have to get another implant done on one of my teeth Sani messed up, bringing the grand total of my Mexican Nightmare to well over $20,000.


Janet B.

9/27/2016 12:23:44 pm

I have just returned home from the most recent horror of dental work at Sani since 3/2016 and am still emotional and depressed.
I have gone to Los Algondones to have work done at Sani for 3 + years now. My first experience resulted in an assessment, a dentist pulling out all of my lower teeth to do an "All In 4" procedure. 4 posts were put in and when 1 was placed the pain was excruciating causing tears to flow out of my eyes and my throat to choke up as though I was sobbing. No one would listen and the pain didn't stop. I was sent up to have a deep clean on the top teeth and told that person to no avail. I went home in dire pain (I have an extremely high pain threshhold, but being totally drugged on pain pills was the only way I could begin to function). I had to go to the oral surgeon who had done 1 implant on top for $6,000 and paid him $300 to remove the one implant after finding out that it was pressing on and damaging my nerve....instant relief, but months before I had feeling back that wasn't tingling to my jaw and lip on the right side of my face, still had a numbness that wasn't normal.
I made sure that Sani was notified by contacting Dental Departures where my contact and referral originated. I was to return in 6 months and did; however, I was paired with a different Dentist, Luis Melendez, who was wonderful, caring, knew what had happened, and worked with me. He replaced implants that had just fallen out as my body was in a rejection mode, placed them with absolutely no pain like before, and made new temporary dentures. 6 months later I returned and had rejected a couple of implants again. "Dr. Luis" is very caring and concerned and worked with me to try to get implants to stay and fought for me to keep the work covered as warranty work and free stay at the Hacienda...wonderful man. When I went down in March, he was "not available" and they assigned me to Dr. Christohper Estrada and another consult before he did any work. He and his "consultants" ended up removing an implant that was very secure and successful (even they said so) and charged me the cost of a new implant to put there, plus removed 2 remaining implants as "not good" and replaced them and the 1 I had rejected. He said he had to remove the good (successful) implant to "shave down the bone some" so dentures would fit properly. I went back in before I left to come home because my mouth was still numb and some tingling...he backed the replacement implant out some and had me take a medication that should preserve the nerve since he had touched it with the implant. I was not to put my teeth in for a month to make it so the temporaries would not disturb the implants. My lip was tingling and stayed that way until I just went back last week (9/19-9/25/16) and my temporaries that fit when I went there in March did not fit so I had no teeth for 6 months. The cost of flying to Yuma from my home on the coast in CA made it impossible for me to return earlier on my limited retirement income.
I just got back on 9/25/16 from a very emotional, expensive, disaster and will NOT ever return to Sani. Dr. Estrada removed all of my 4 implants (fortunately the one sitting on the nerve that was bad and that had replaced the perfect one). They wanted another $5,000 to do 4 new implants plus a plate to attach the denture to. I gave them a deposit (check) and then they couldn't do what they were going to do as he could not even place one implant without pain. They wanted me to have some sort of tissue surgery and come back in 15 days which then changed to 3 months and I told them no because I just wanted to let things heal (I am still extremely sore) and I wanted some teeth to wear in the meantime as mine did not fit at all and I wanted to be able to eat properly (I could eat decently before March of 2016). That started another push for me to do some sore of tissue surgery and being told that I could not have even regular false teeth because they would no have suction (Dr. Estrada's work had made sure of that and it was one of the issues I became worried about after I had healed and the temporaries would not fit...something just did not feel right).
I had asked again about Dr. Luis and was ignored and no one would say anything. I found a person on the street that I recognized and no longer worked at Sani...he was there when I was seeing Dr. Luis. I asked if he knew where he was or what happened. He ended up getting him on the phone...I told him to say it was Janet from Santa Cruz and I could hear Dr. Luis say my first and last name...and I talked to him. He met me at a coffee place at 4:30 that afternoon and I told him about the implant that I knew was good, about them taking all of them out, putting in new, the new costs, etc. and he was appalled. He could not understand why they would take out the good implant that we had worked so hard to have stay and be in that condition and wondered about the others that he had taken out. The



9/27/2016 12:47:26 pm

Hi Janet,

I am so sorry to hear of yet another nightmare story about Sani Dental and the excruciating pain and suffering you have endured, not to mention the financial loss. Just to be clear, was all the follow up work done at Sani as well?

I hope you find some relief and soon. I only wish more people would read these blogs before visiting this place.



9/27/2016 02:26:27 pm

Hi Janet,

I'm so sorry to hear about your ordeal, I can empathize believe me! They care about nothing but money. It's too bad people don't see this blog until it's too late like myself.

I've received a message just yesterday from another Sani patient I've met at the Hacienda complaining they won't return her calls to finish her work in which she's having problems with. I hope you heal quickly and find resolve. 🌺


12/21/2017 10:17:11 pm

My goodness!

Atrocious dental treatment and appalling service are unfortunately not so rare.

Do these perpetrators have no shame?

I would like to share with everyone my own dental nightmare story I experienced in Kalamata, Greece this year.

Briefly, my dental nightmare had predominantly, although not exclusively, to do with the placement of 5 dental implants and 5 corresponding dental crowns at the Laser Dental Clinic in Kalamata, Greece.

Three of the 5 implants will need to be replaced as they have been placed in incorrect positions and/or depths, and all 5 crowns will need to be replaced due to poor crown fabrication, contouring, and other problems. These findings have been corroborated by 3 different implants clinics variously located in Europe, Australia and Japan - I had the opportunity to attend these other dental clinics recently due to my work-related activities.

As I have no further interest in having the same incompetent 'dentist' (at the Laser Dental Clinic in Kalamata, Greece) attempt to bungle his way in an effort to rectify his failed treatment, I am now demanding that the money I paid him for these dental failures (€4450) be returned to me. Needless to say, the sham 'dentist' is hitherto refusing to do so.

Since I have many more details to share with people about my terrible dental experiences, with your permission, might I publish a URL here for those interested?

More information about my bad dental experiences in Greece can be found at

Please avoid the aforementioned dental clinic, and go elsewhere for dental treatment if you are in Greece. I wish you all well, and happier dental experiences. Thank you.




maria culligan

1/26/2018 08:38:11 pm

I just returned from Los Algodones. Sani Dental would not work on me since I had issues with my teeth and implants. They say that they do not take risks. The prices were almost the same or more than in the USA. Short story, they seemed very cautious about who they work on. I had submitted and inquiry about your blog. they seemed to be very upset about it.



1/27/2018 06:41:34 am

Hi Maria, you should be happy they told you that instead of proceeding. All my implants have failed as did a woman I still keep in touch with from Canada. I’m now divorced because of this nightmare, all the money we spent and having all my upper teeth pulled out strained my marriage. I hope Sani is happy with all the money they received, while I’m left devastated.



3/11/2020 11:23:28 am

Plz if you find a solution to this problem with sani, let us know!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and so sorry for what happened to all of us


rick klien

2/16/2021 04:22:41 pm

glad you posted this blog,i was actual headed there not now.THANK YOU


Cathie J Dawson

10/3/2021 06:39:14 pm

I went there in July. They charged me for 3 root canal's and didn't perform them. They will not refund my money . They put a bunch of crowns on my teeth, so now my teeth hurt most of the time . I had a voucher for the room at their hotel. They didn't honor that. They are unethical and thieves


Karen Marie Purdom

1/7/2022 02:20:36 am

I went to Sani dental 4 years ago and had the hardware put in for implants and a bone graft after waiting for a year post extraction. I haven't returned to get the teeth due to arriving home to find there had been a fire and my dog had died. Previous to that I had been there and had root canals and porcelain crowns placed and had no problems. The advertised price for implants was ridiculously cheap so I was pissed when they came up with a figure that was 250 more per tooth. The dentist told me that they could do the lowest price one but it would fail so the additional cost was for a stronger implant. As I said the work they did was fine I've had alot of dental work done by some of the finest dentists in Oregon so I can discern if an impression is not done properly. I am so sorry to hear about all of these nightmares and trauma. I will be praying for us all. Kp .


11/27/2023 05:46:53 am

Health tourism offers many potential benefits in terms of advantages. Firstly, the quality of health services and the level of technological development in different countries may differ. Health facilities in some countries may not have the necessary equipment, while in other countries they are extremely modern and technologically advanced. For this reason, it may be possible to reach more advanced treatment options by doing health tourism.

Using the list HTML tag, we can summarize the advantages of health tourism as follows:

High quality health services: The health facilities in the countries where health tourism is performed operate in accordance with international standards. Therefore, it is possible for you to receive high-quality health services.

Technological advances: Some countries are rapidly adapting to the latest developments in medical technologies. You can benefit from these technological advances by doing health tourism.
Shorter waiting times: In countries where health tourism is performed, the time for medical procedures to be performed may be shorter. This saves time and allows you to get treatment quickly.


    I have always been a straight shooter and a go getter. Many have said Leslie must be a saint to have put up with me for over 40 years. We have been business partners since the day we got married and each played an intrigal roll in our business success. There is nothing more important to us than our Family & Friends. Our love of people and travel has allowed us to develop amazing friendships around the world.


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Author: Duane Harber

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Views: 6477

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.