25 Healthy Breakfast Bar + Muffin Recipes (2024)

Breakfast: It’s the most important meal of the day, but pounding donuts is hardly healthy (though it can be). And noshing on healthy foods can feel kind of boring. Eating your bowl of cereal on the reg gets stale and oatmeal‘s not exactly a riveting morning option. If you need some help getting on track with your morning meals and can’t bare to skip out on carbs, check out these recipes for healthy muffins and breakfast bars — they’ll make it easy to wake up on the right side of the bed!

1. Caramelized Banana Oat Muffins: If you’ve ever considered eating a slice (or a loaf) of banana bread for breakfast, you may have just found your muffin match. Caramelizing bananas before baking adds a touch of sweetness to these better-for-you bites. (via Pinch of Yum)

2. Coconut Almond Bars: Almonds, cashews, coconut and honey make a heck of a breakfast bar. The short ingredient list here is sure to entice, and the yummy crunchy goodness will have you coming back for more. (via Feasting at Home)

3. Whole Wheat Toasted Almond Pumpkin Muffins: Rich pumpkin meets wholesome whole wheat flour in this muffin recipe that screams autumn. Make these when you want to snuggle in a cozy sweater and picture the colors of fall foliage! (via How Sweet It Is)

4. Three Ingredient Energy Bars: Yep, you read that right. Nuts, dried fruit and Medjool dates are all you need to make this no-fuss, portable breakfast treat. Even more awesome: These are all ingredients packed with fiber, which will keep you fuller longer. (via The Kitchn)

5. Quinoa Carrot Cake Muffins: Quinoa is the superfood of this generation — it’s a mighty little grain that can add a healthy boost to any recipe. Try it out in these carrot cake muffins, because why wouldn’t you want dessert for breakfast? (via Domestic Fits)

6. Almond Joy Granola Bars: We’ll take any excuse to make candy a part of a balanced breakfast. These granola bars take the sin factor out of eating something deliciously tropical, like an Almond Joy, for guilt-free, tummy pleasing morning munching. (via Oh She Glows)

7. Raspberry Carob Chip Muffins: There are lots of healthy swaps you can make to your baking cabinet. One that’s totally nom-worthy? Carob chips! Give them a try in any sweet treat, but why not start with these muffins? (via Healthy Recipe Ecstasy)

8. Raw Energy Bars: One of the benefits to eating raw food is nutrients in their highest-wattage form. Case in point: These bars, which combine dates with cocoa to give you a flavor reminiscent of brownies in every energy packed bite. (via Sea Salt with Food)

9. Paleo Breakfast Bars: Paleo is kind of a throwback diet — it looks at caveman nutrition and brings it into our era. If you’re looking for a delicious introduction to the Paleo diet, test out these bars featuring seeds, nuts and a touch of honey. (via Elana’s Pantry)

10. Sweet Potato, Quinoa and Dark Chocolate Muffins: Sweet potatoes team up with quinoa, chocolate chips, coconut and a slew of other yummy foods to make a super stellar muffin. One huge perk that these feature? A quinoa crumble that’ll remind you of coffee cake topping… delicious! (via Half Baked Harvest)

11. Egg Muffins: Maybe you’re someone who enjoys a breakfast of many components. Don’t worry, we didn’t forget you! Here’s a recipe for egg-cellent omelets to-go so you can pack up your platter and bring it wherever you need to go. (via Brit + Co)

12. Superfood Breakfast Bars: If you’re looking for a healthy fix, look no further than these bars. With oatmeal, blueberries, almonds, pumpkin seeds and banana all making an appearance, you can ditch your morning vitamin ritual and charge up your body with all the good stuff these bars have to offer. And they’re pretty. (via A Healthy Life For Me)

13. Spinach Muffins: Need a little extra strength? Channel your inner Popeye and go green with these iron-rich muffins. These are yummy, good for you and a great way to get some veggies in. (via The Green Forks)

14. Bakery Style Blueberry Yogurt Muffins: Blueberry muffins are a classic, and some may hesitate with messing with such an iconic food. But, if you’re looking for that nostalgic taste in a healthier vessel, give these muffins made with Greek yogurt a try. (via It’s Always Autumn)

15. Raspberry Lemon Muffins: If your mornings could use some sunshine, give these muffins a try! With the marriage of raspberries and lemon, these little bites allow you to eat the food equivalent of summer for breakfast. (via How Does She)

16. Carrot Coconut Morning Glory Muffins: You might think of carrots as rabbit food: Ditch that philosophy, stat. Carrots are chock full of vitamins and nutrients and they’re naturally sweet, making them a great base for a nutritious morning treat that is glorious, indeed. (via Ambitious Kitchen)

17. Salsa Egg Bites: If you’re in need of some extra spice in your life, try adding a dose of salsa to your mini egg muffins. It’s like huevos rancheros that you can take with you. Bonus: These can be frozen to save for later in the week! (via Three in Three)

18. Cranberry Coconut Raw Bars: We touched on why raw is good for you earlier, so you already know that these bars are a great breakfast choice. These have cranberries for a little tartness, so pucker up! (via Not Your Standard)

19. Peanut Butter Trail Mix Bars: Trail mix is a trailblazer when it comes to smart snacking, so putting it in bar form is borderline brilliant. Add protein-packed peanut butter to the mix, and you’ve got yourself a breakfast choice that’s smarter than Einstein. (via Sally’s Baking Addiction)

20. Whole Wheat Zucchini Banana Muffins: Squash your issues with zucchini, okay? Coupled with banana in this muffin, it’s a great way to get some veggies in and also get tons of vitamins per bite. (via Amy’s Healthy Baking)

21. Quinoa Breakfast Bars With Blueberries: Blueberries are not just a delicious and delightfully colored little fruit. They’re filled to the brim with lots of antioxidants, and teamed up with quinoa, they’re a great addition to a nutritious breakfast. (via Gluten-Free Goddess)

22. Applesauce Oat Muffins: Love apple cinnamon oatmeal? Whip up a batch of these muffins to make those flavors portable. With filling oatmeal and Greek yogurt both making an appearance in this recipe, you can nosh on ’em guilt free. (via Lovely Little Kitchen)

23. Quinoa Breakfast Bars: If you’re a grab-and-go type, these quinoa granola bars are a great morning option. This recipe calls for dried fruit and nuts, so consider making your own combinations to get all your favorites into one bar! (via Yummy Workshop)

24. Skinny Tropical Muffins: Bananas. Coconut. Pineapple. Citrus. Pretty much everything yummy is included in this one. These muffins are also pretty good for you, with under a cup of the sweet stuff in the whole batch and yogurt as a swap for oil. You sold yet? So are we. (via Sally’s Baking Addiction)

25. Olive Oil + Greek Yogurt Blueberry Muffins: Olive oil and Greek yogurt unite to bring you a blueberry muffin that’s light, but includes a dash of protein and antioxidants. Skip the streusel topping to save even more calories and dig in! (via Let The Baking Begin)

Got any winning good-for-you breakfast recipes of your own? Tell us about your own creations —we’re hungry for more!

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Ashley Lee

Ashley is a homegrown New Englander with an affinity for artwork living in the Boston area. She loves painting with watercolors, the city of New Orleans, and like most Bostonians, she enjoys her iced coffee year-round. See her latest creative works on her Etsy shop, Oh My, How Lovely!

25 Healthy Breakfast Bar + Muffin Recipes (2024)


Are muffins a healthy breakfast choice? ›

"They can be packed with added sugar and low in fiber, sending your blood sugar levels on a roller coaster before you even get to work," says Charlotte Martin, MS, RDN, CSOWM, CPT. Yet, muffins can be a healthy breakfast option if you make them at home yourself.

What makes a muffin healthy or unhealthy? ›

What Makes a Healthy Muffin? Signs of a healthy muffin recipe are whole-food ingredients like fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds, eggs, and low-fat milk and yogurt (or a dairy-free alternative).

What is a healthy fulfilling breakfast? ›

Good choices for breakfast foods will be ones that fill you up, so you don't get hungry again for a while, and they are nutrient-dense. Try whole fruits, eggs, wholemeal toast, nuts, and smoothies for a tasty and satisfying start to the day.

Is muffin good for diet? ›

Muffins are a quick and easy choice for breakfast on the go, but unfortunately, many bakery and coffee shop muffins are high in calories and added sugar, and they lack protein and fiber. If your goal is to lose weight, these kinds of muffins are not the best option.

Which muffin is healthiest? ›

Best: Soozy's Grain-Free Match Green Tea Muffin

They're made with whole-food ingredients, including almond flour, whole eggs, and coconut cream. We love that they're a lower-sugar option and don't contain any artificial sweeteners. Plus, the almond flour keeps these low in carbs and high in fiber.

Is it OK to eat a muffin everyday? ›

Some muffins can be high in sugar, fat, and calories, which can contribute to weight gain and other health problems if consumed in excess. However, there are also healthier muffin options that can provide beneficial nutrients and fit into a balanced diet in moderation.

What happens if you eat too much muffins? ›

Consuming a large number of muffins may lead to increased sugar and sodium intake, making hydration important. Moderate Your Intake: Going forward, be mindful of portion sizes and try to avoid consuming excessively large quantities of high-calorie and high-sugar foods.

Are muffins better for you than bread? ›

English muffins tend to be a little healthier than bread since English muffins have less carbohydrates, fats, and sugar than bread. While bread does contain slightly more fat when compared to English muffins, both options have 1 gram or less of total fat.

What's healthier a donut or muffin? ›

When it comes to calories, carbs, and sugar, there's a clear winner: doughnuts. The fried rings have 155 fewer calories, half the carbs, and 21 fewer grams of sugar than muffins. Muffins don't lose out completely, though: They have 1 g more protein than doughnuts—and half the saturated fat.

What is the number 1 healthiest breakfast? ›

What is the healthiest breakfast?
  • Eggs, avocado and toast.
  • Greek yogurt, cereal and fruit.
  • Oatmeal, protein powder and nuts (you could also cook your oatmeal with egg whites, which will make the oats fluffy and add some protein)
May 21, 2023

What happens if I eat eggs for breakfast everyday? ›

Eggs are also a great source of heart-healthy nutrients like potassium, folate and B vitamins. Some research suggests that up to two eggs per day actually improves heart health. As with anything, moderation is important, especially if you enjoy eggs daily.

How many eggs should I eat for breakfast? ›

Eating one to three eggs per day can have several health benefits, but this varies from person to person. At this level of consumption, people can expect minimal changes in their cholesterol levels. It is unclear whether there is an upper limit on how many eggs a person can eat per day.

What time of day should you eat a muffin? ›

Muffins are good 'round the clock, too. They make a good snack any time of day. With a piece of cheese and piece of fruit, you have a good light lunch. Quick and simple to prepare, they are best eaten fresh and hot, straight from the oven.

Which is healthier muffin or cupcake? ›

Cupcake recipes generally contain much higher levels of sugar and fat. This makes cupcakes sweeter, and juicier with finer crumbs. Muffins usually have fruit, nuts, and other ingredients mixed into the batter to compensate. Because of this, muffins are usually considered healthier than cupcakes.

Why are muffins good for breakfast? ›

In addition to being low in calories, certain English muffins contain high amounts of fiber and several other important vitamins and minerals. Whenever possible, choose whole wheat English muffins and add healthy toppings like hummus, eggs, or nut butter to maximize the nutritional value of your morning meal.

Are muffins healthier than donuts? ›

When it comes to calories, carbs, and sugar, there's a clear winner: doughnuts. The fried rings have 155 fewer calories, half the carbs, and 21 fewer grams of sugar than muffins. Muffins don't lose out completely, though: They have 1 g more protein than doughnuts—and half the saturated fat.

Is a bagel or muffin healthier? ›

Now that we are done comparing these two breakfast treats, you can see that English muffins are considered healthier. English muffins have fewer calories than bagels, yet similar amounts of fiber and other nutrients.


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