10 tips for even more Italian summer jitters - This is Italy (2024)

Are you already getting the summer jitters because of the beautiful weather? Here are 10 tips that will get you in the Italian mood!

Table of contents

  • 1. Plan your holiday to Italy now
  • 2. Italian Books
  • 3. Go to an Italian event!
  • 4. Mix your own Italian summer drink
  • 5. Immerse yourself in Italian recipes
  • 6. More Italian atmosphere at home
  • 7. An Italian daybed
  • 8. Still that Italian convertible?
  • 9. Turn your garden into a Tuscan paradise
  • 10. Finally Learn Italian
  • What gives you summer jitters?

1. Plan your holiday to Italy now

Don't deny it, because we see exactly from the visitor statistics of This is Italy when you are going to book that holiday in Italy. The early bird do that in December or January and the rest wait until the summer holidays and only book in July or August.

But what if you book now? Then you have a lot of fun in anticipation before you actually travel to the boot!

2. Italian Books

no Netflix (we have other tips for that), but a good book set in Italy (or by an Italian author) and you'll be in Italy in no time. In this article we have an overview of Italian books that may be of interest to you top 40 prepared for you.

3. Go to an Italian event!

10 tips for even more Italian summer jitters - This is Italy (1)

Also a good way to get plenty of summer jitters: immerse yourself in an Italian event, such as the Italy Event edition 2022 at Haarzuilens on 20, 21 and 22 May. Roomy 200 exhibitors, cooks, performers and artists provide an excellent Italian interpretation of your weekend.

4. Mix your own Italian summer drink

With a little help from the sun, a good book and your own mixed Italian summer drink, you don't have to go anywhere anymore, right? Not even to the liquor store, because that bottle of Aperol and others order drinks online you just do it here.

10 tips for even more Italian summer jitters - This is Italy (2)

5. Immerse yourself in Italian recipes

Do you like good food? Then you also love Italian cuisine. And it consists of a lot more than just pizza and pasta. How about a delicious Italian meal salad, grilled vegetables and tasty and light recipes with fish and chicken?

The Mediterranean cuisine is also very healthy, so you can enjoy the summer bikini proof going towards.

6. More Italian atmosphere at home

With some Italian cookbooks, Italian music or Mediterranean plants for the balcony or in the garden, you can easily bring Italy to you this summer. look at all the 18 tips for more Italian atmosphere in this article.

7. An Italian daybed

10 tips for even more Italian summer jitters - This is Italy (3)

The sleek Italian sunbeds with sunshades are world famous. They are usually not cheap, but you will enjoy them for years. They are the robust sunbeds that you also find on the Italian beaches.

You don't necessarily have to go to Italy to enjoy it. A sun lounger like this also works well in your garden or on your balcony. Of course, this tip can be combined with numbers 2 and 4 from this list.

8. Still that Italian convertible?

10 tips for even more Italian summer jitters - This is Italy (4)

Okay, it might not be the cheapest tip on this list. But if you were already in the market for a new used car, why not an Alfa Spider, a Fiat 500C or even a (budget permitting) Ferrari Portofino?

If a purchase is not possible, it is also nice to rent your Italian dream car for a day or a weekend. With plenty of sun, the wind in your hair and a nice ride along the coast or through the hills of South Limburg, you really do feel those summer jitters!

9. Turn your garden into a Tuscan paradise

10 tips for even more Italian summer jitters - This is Italy (5)

Bring Italy to your own garden this summer and you don't have to leave at all. Invest some money in a lounge set, some terracotta pots and some Mediterranean greenery. In the company of your love, family or friends you enjoy a little bit every day Dolce Vita.

10. Finally Learn Italian

Nothing gives more depth to your love for Italy than speaking and understanding Italian. Not sure where to start? Simply with an accessible online course, such as the low-cost Italian holiday course that we with love have put together for you.

What gives you summer jitters?

Do you have any good tips yourself to make the Italian summer jitters even more itchy? Leave your comment below and help other Italy fans have an Italian summer.

10 tips for even more Italian summer jitters - This is Italy (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.